
Let’s Talk Mission Statements: Building Brands with Heart, Purpose, and Impact in Nonprofits and Faith-Based Organizations

As you may have read here on this blog or on my Content Marketing Musings newsletter, I’ve chosen the words Open, Position, and Balance as my focus words for 2024. To me, these words represent the things I need to do this year to optimize my time, deepen my business client list, and strengthen my

Three Words for 2024

Every year, Chris Brogan identifies the three words that will guide his actions and decisions for the year. His words for 2023 were Master, Pleasure, Gather. For 2006 (the first year he did this) they were Ask, Do, and Share. I look forward to finding out what they are every year. The words should point

Learning to Sell My Skills

This month, I’m writing about the things I’ve learned over the last year. For this post, I am repurposing a newsletter article I wrote about learning to sell my skills. As a marketer, I understand how to craft a compelling message that speaks to a target audience and offers value that addresses their pain points.

Social Proof: Elevating Your Brand’s Credibility

I was honored to share my thoughts on influencer marketing and social proof for She Owns It. Here’s the link to the article. Please read and share! https://sheownsit.com/social-proof-elevating-your-brands-credibility/ For more content on brand advocacy and social proof, please subscribe to my newsletter, Content Marketing Musings.

Beyond the Sale: Post-Purchase Marketing for Lasting Brand Loyalty and Advocacy

Marketing efforts during the post-purchase stage to build customer loyalty and advocacy are critical for brand growth and resilience. This month, we are discussing the customer journey and how engagement marketing to a brand’s success is nurturing a potential customer through the “spiral” that the typical journey has become. One of the aspects of this

Beyond the Funnel: The Dynamic Landscape of the Modern Customer Journey

Happy November! What a year it has been! As I mentioned in my Content Marketing Musings article this week, I hoped to use this month’s posts to launch a new venture. But, alas, life happens, and I haven’t had the time to prepare the content. Instead, I will devote this month’s content to the customer

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