
Your brand is an organizational asset

It must be developed with thought and strategy and nurtured with care.


Because your brand is your reputation.

It is how your organization is perceived in the marketplace.

Intentional and thoughtful branding creates an authentic and consistent image that engages and resonates with donors, volunteers, employees, and every other stakeholder necessary to keep your organization’s doors open.

You need a solid foundation to nurture a strong brand.

How Do You Know if Your Brand is Strong?

Take the Brand Quiz and find out!

If your No’s outnumber your Yes’s, I can help!

The process of building a consistent and engaging brand starts with research, thoughtful discussion, and strategic planning that includes all decision-makers, and the creation of a brand framework (see below).

Brand Framework Pyramid

Here’s a Case Study

Read how I led the team that successfully rebranded a 100+-year-old social service nonprofit here.

Let’s get started discovering your brand.

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