
Extending the Tip of the Brand Pyramid with Content Templates

Last week, I wrote an article about brand messaging pillars. Brand messaging pillars are the three to four messages that help stakeholders understand what makes your organization unique and why they should learn more and get involved. The best pillars are built into your organization’s brand framework. As with every other brand element, your pillars

The Time-Tested Tools of Marketing: Traditional Channels That Stand the Test of Time

Happy Friday, dear reader! Let’s talk today about the marketing channels available when planning a marketing campaign. There are hundreds of choices, and not all are created equal. Plus, to be successful, it’s essential to plan a comprehensive, integrated marketing strategy. An integrated marketing strategy is a cohesive and coordinated approach to utilizing multiple marketing

Notice what they do AND say

In my most recent newsletter, I discuss how the human conflict of logic versus emotion plays out in our purchasing decisions and how marketing professionals should understand this conflict to be effective. #marketingstrategy #consumerbehavior #contentmarketing #freelancewriter #contentwriter #marketingcommunications #communicationstrategy #consumerinsights https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/notice-what-say-do-pamela-georgiana-mba

I Promise…A Value Proposition

A promise made must be a promise kept — Aristotle We make promises every day. We promise our landlord we’ll pay rent at the end of the month. We promise our relatives we’ll visit soon. We promise our kids they can have ice cream if they eat their broccoli. We even promise ourselves a reward

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