
Product-based Content: Features vs. Benefits

The main difference between product-based content and other marketing content is the focus. The story is specifically about the product instead of the brand or industry. The customer is still the hero of the story but the solution to their conflict is a very specific product or service. Don’t Forget Who the Hero Is It’s

A Case Study on Thought Leadership

For this week’s musings on thought leadership, I present to you, dear reader, a case study. This case study highlights ghostwritten work I’ve written (and am still doing) for a long-term client over the last two years. The Client The client provides recruitment and resources for career growth to women in the tech industry. They

Reflections on 2022

TL:DR: What a nutty, unexpected, and exhilarating year! I’ve seen so many blog writers posting pieces of their predictions for 2023 or a wrap-up of 2022 this week. I might as well jump on the bandwagon. This last year has shown me just how terrible I am at predicting the future so reflections it is!

My Thoughts on Influencer Marketing

Recently, I’ve been researching influencer marketing for an article I am writing. It has become a massive business. What started as a way to leverage customer reviews and build social proof online has become a lucrative paid marketing tool. The total amount of money spent on influencer marketing this year is estimated at $16.4 billion

Notice what they do AND say

In my most recent newsletter, I discuss how the human conflict of logic versus emotion plays out in our purchasing decisions and how marketing professionals should understand this conflict to be effective. #marketingstrategy #consumerbehavior #contentmarketing #freelancewriter #contentwriter #marketingcommunications #communicationstrategy #consumerinsights https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/notice-what-say-do-pamela-georgiana-mba

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