One of the things I miss the most about my job at LSS was the advocacy work we were doing. I had taken on the initiative a couple of years ago because I thought we should have a seat at the table when our government leaders discuss and decide on policy that affects our clients. We hadn’t really done any policy advocacy in the past. I hadn’t really ever been interested in government or politics until I got that job and I started to see just how much our laws and our leaders affect the lives of people in need, most of the time adversely. I was watching C-Span and the Ohio Channel and asking myself, “What are these people doing?” and “Where are they getting their information?”
I studied up on how our city, county, state and federal governments work (it’s been a long time since high school civics), created some tools to help us shape our actions, and wrote our policy agenda. I tried to get us involved in any piece of legislation or resolution that I thought would affect our clients. I wrote bill testimony, researched current laws, and asked a lot of questions from others more knowledgeable than me. I sent program directors to testify at the Statehouse and at City Council, emailed our Senators (I may have fangirled just a little when Senator Brown emailed me back. It was NOT a form email!) and Representatives, and worked with local coalitions to write letters and create take-aways for legislative visits. There was so much more I wanted to do. I hope someone at LSS will continue the work.
Now, I’m wondering how I can still be involved, even when not representing a social service agency. I’m still passionate about advocating for people in need, especially those who are living in poverty with very little resources or support. And those who are suffering and dying in violent family relationships. And women who are making less than men for the same work. And….ok you get the picture.
I am not an expert on any of these issues. I just really care. But I can research the hell out of any topic and write a killer brief, blog, article, fact sheet, infographic or whatever that would hopefully change minds and hearts. Who needs me? I’m available. Call soon!