crowd in train station
Photo by Angie Gao on Unsplash

It’s been a long, difficult week for all of us. There were moments when I wondered if I should just go back to bed instead of facing reality. But I am blessed, and I can’t hide from the world when everyone else has to live in it. So, I’m going to recap some positive things I experienced this week. These experiences are mine and do not in any way negate the horrific events that happened to other humans this week. I just want to put them out there as evidence of hope and positivity, at least for me.

As a business owner, I know that making connections is important to success. Some of my best clients have come to me from other clients. I was able to quit my job and freelance full time because I kept getting referrals from clients. One of my best cheerleaders, Jasz Joseph, understands this idea very well. She’s created the Let’s Work Network, where entrepreneurs can connect over shared experiences, challenges, and goals. The group meets for actionable workshops, co-working sessions, and just general check-ins. So far, I’ve very much enjoyed being a part of it.

This week, I enjoyed a Let’s Work Network workshop with Diane Darling entitled “Non-Sleazy Sales-Focused Networking”. Isn’t that a great title? I loved it because it really gets to the heart of why we all cringe when we hear that word. It just feels a little wrong. Add in my extreme introvert tendencies, and I am one business owner who is not at all ready to promote myself out in the real world.

I’ve got to take a moment and admit that, yes, I’m a trained marketing and communications professional, and yes, promoting stuff is what I do. I can promote the heck out of a client’s product or services. I can talk all day at a networking event about my employer. But when it comes to talking and promoting myself??? Ick.

Anyway, Diane’s presentation was a lot of fun and full of useful tips for networking both in-person and online. I enjoyed the conversation with her and the other attendees, all small business owners. I made several meaningful connections at the workshop and took away a handful of ideas for becoming more successful at networking events. I especially liked her note that it’s more important to make quality connections and not worry about the number of connections I make. I’ve gone into networking meetings with the goal of talking to five people, randomly choosing five people, and leaving once I’ve spoken to them. I rarely remember those five people after the event is over. From now on, I will try to make memorable connections when networking! The whole point is to find clients. I need to actually remember the people I speak with to do that.

I also spent a morning volunteering at the LSS Food Pantries this week. I missed my friends and colleagues and the satisfaction of giving back. I think it’s a privilege to help a family struggling to put food on the table. The reasons are not important, at least at that moment. The need is what is important. I managed to be at the pantry when there weren’t any clients scheduled, but I got to work with a volunteer who was retired from the Navy and convalescing from an injury. He was doing his best to stay on his feet because he knew it would be better to build his strength. But every once in a while, he had to sit down. He kept on working, though, no matter what. I was impressed by his tenacity and his good humor throughout it all. I got pretty good at knowing when I should push a chair over to him so he could sit down for a minute. He was a joy. Anyway, I had a great time, and the work helped to settle my negative mindset about the world we live in. There is good out there. I reinforced those meaningful connections with LSS and the people we serve for myself.

The last positive thing that happened to me this week is I onboarded a new client! I will be helping a health system in the Southwest update its website with new consumer-facing information on health-related issues, specifically diabetes. I love writing this type of content because I get to learn as I write AND I’m providing valuable content that will help people. I’m so excited to start this project, and I hope it leads to even more work. It’s a new meaningful connection that has the potential to last a long time.

So, as a reminder to my future self, this week was sad, scary, and difficult. But it was also full of new and ongoing connections that brought joy, peace, and hope to my life. Those connections make the world and your life a better place.

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