
Bridging Hearts and Minds: A Strategic Approach to Persona Building in Nonprofits

This month, I’ve been discussing how nonprofits and faith-based organizations need a cohesive and credible brand to be competitive and impactful in this fast-paced world. Why? Because, building an identity as a mission-driven organization committed to addressing a specific need can strongly connect your organization with your target audience, fostering engagement from both those seeking

Let’s Talk Mission Statements: Building Brands with Heart, Purpose, and Impact in Nonprofits and Faith-Based Organizations

As you may have read here on this blog or on my Content Marketing Musings newsletter, I’ve chosen the words Open, Position, and Balance as my focus words for 2024. To me, these words represent the things I need to do this year to optimize my time, deepen my business client list, and strengthen my

Brand Guidelines for Nonprofits

Why is Branding Important for Nonprofits? Studies show that people perceive brands the same way they perceive other people. These perceptions shade their feelings, both good and bad, towards a product or an organization. This includes nonprofits. Nonprofits should promote a positive brand identity in order to build trust and confidence in the mission. A

The Power of Storytelling in Nonprofit Content Marketing Strategies

One of the things I love about creating content marketing campaigns for a nonprofit is the abundance of stories you have at your fingertips. In the world of nonprofits, making a difference and driving positive change often starts with a compelling story of how that change has made the world better. Stories have the remarkable

Don’t Forget the Other Helpers

As we hunker down in our homes to ride out this deadly pandemic, a lot of well-deserved thanks and love is being spread out around the world to healthcare workers as they risk their lives every day to treat and save the victims of COVID-19. They are true heroes. But they are not the only

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