Every year, Chris Brogan identifies the three words that will guide his actions and decisions for the year. His words for 2023 were Master, Pleasure, Gather. For 2006 (the first year he did this) they were Ask, Do, and Share. I look forward to finding out what they are every year. The words should point to who I intend to be, what I want to focus on, and how I want to perceive the work of the year ahead.
A Look Back at My 2023 Words
My words for 2023 were Boundless, Create, and Discover. As a whole, I embraced Boundless and Discover in most of my actions this last year. I could have been more successful with Create, which was an excellent lesson. When I get bogged down in the day-to-day minutia of tasks, deadlines, and stress, my creativity is one of the first things to go. And those times are often the times when creativity (thinking outside the box, asking “What if?”) would be beneficial. Also, I did not make enough effort to step out of my routine to be creative in my work or personal life. In the future, I need to remember that creativity feeds my soul and makes me a better business owner and person. Creativity is essential to my existence, not something I should take for granted.
My 2024 Words
At first, I wanted a do-over on my words for 2023. In addition to feeling like I didn’t give Creativity a chance, there are so many more decisions and actions I can make that are Boundless and so much more about life to Discover.
But, through those words, I did learn quite a bit about myself this year. So, I decided to build on them. I will continue to embrace Boundless, Discover, and Creative in my decision-making and actions this year. But, I will also consider these three new words.
- Open
- Positioning
- Balance
Open has two meanings. First, I’ve found that the most difficult part of embracing boundless options is that I don’t like to leave myself open to others. I feel vulnerable and exposed. Second, as much as I pride myself on being open to any and all ideas, there are times when I can be dismissive or uninterested in new thoughts or solutions. In either case, I miss out on opportunities and can be seen as inauthentic.
Positioning also has a couple of levels. I’ve spent the last year flip-flopping about many aspects of my business, including my target audience, products offered, and business goals. In addition, I feel the tone and personality of my personal brand have been inconsistent. This year, I vow to set my intentions around one position for my business and my persona brand.
Balance is something I’ve struggled with my whole life. At my core, I think in black and white. I don’t like shades of gray. This is especially true with work/life balance. For decades, that was nonexistent in my life. I’ve gotten much better at it since starting my business. This year, I want to continue finding ways to step out of the business and enjoy other aspects of life. As with the other two words, balance means something else to me. I want to find a way to balance my living situation. I’ve found peace and joy living in Florida in 2023. My goal in 2024 is to find a way to live there for at least part of the year.
So, those are my three words for 2024. If I use these words to guide my actions and planning, I’ll have a great year, regardless of the unexpected events that may occur.
Happy New Year, all! Here’s to a productive, safe, and peaceful 2024.