
How to Build a Content Marketing Calendar

If your brand is committed to content marketing, you need a content calendar. This valuable tool will help focus your marketing efforts. Without a calendar, you risk wasting your budget on ad campaigns that don’t address your goals or turning off potential leads with emails that don’t address their needs or concerns. A content calendar

Building Brand Awareness

This is a blog I wrote two years ago about building brand awareness from the nonprofit perspective. I thought I’d repurpose it from a business perspective. Branding is important no matter the circumstances. The Internet is a noisy place. There are approximately 4.33 billion active Internet users around the world.  These users visit the approximately

Brand Voices in Action

I’ve written a couple of blogs recently about brand voice and tone which got me thinking about some of my favorite Columbus brands that have a distinctive voice. So, I thought I’d share some examples here as an illustration of what a brand voice is and how important it can be to an overall brand.

I Promise…A Value Proposition

A promise made must be a promise kept — Aristotle We make promises every day. We promise our landlord we’ll pay rent at the end of the month. We promise our relatives we’ll visit soon. We promise our kids they can have ice cream if they eat their broccoli. We even promise ourselves a reward

Listening to the Customer

In my last blog, I talked a little bit about how your customers are your best resource for information regarding your brand and insights into how you should create or change your messaging. When you ask them the right questions, they’ll tell you all you need to know. Most companies create a brand persona for

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